
UC Cuts Freshman Enrollment by 6%, 2,300 Students

But hold on...It's not that bad for people at UCLA, Berkeley, grad students, and transfer students.

...Enrollment would not be cut at UCLA and UC Berkeley, the most popular campuses, and expansion would continue at UC Merced, the newest school, according to the plan that is to be reviewed by the UC regents next week. The other six undergraduate campuses would see some freshman reductions.

...The number of graduate students would not change under the proposal

...The number of students who transfer from community colleges would increase by about 500, or about 3%.

UC Proposal

Not to encourage further cuts to public education, but having spent my first and second year in dorm life at UC-Santa Cruz, my friend 'Yell and I came to the conclusion that there were plenty of spaces being wasted on some utterly useless kids.

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